DaveStuff the web guru wannabe is building the biggest web design portfolio on the web… I do this to either get into the Guinness World Book of Records or so some computer wiz headhunter will find me and offer me a part (or full) time job to supplement my income… And of course because I like it…
It’s like building model planes or working in the tool shed. It relaxes me and of course is hopetully bearing fruit for the kingdom...
I know I blow away the competition because of decent skill levels and the willingness to design for free… I’m sure that just aggravates so many other designers out there but then again I could be wrong… (There are other “free web design services")
Not many of course because anybody that happens to get any ole version of MS FrontPage and understands how easy it is to put a page up decides they can make a lot of money and open shop…
Be your own boss, make tons of money with little cost to start your business…
Sounds like a spam letter huh?