Monday, March 26, 2007

Video Sites

Been browsing videos and stuff.. A friend over at MySpace turned me on to a few old videos I aint never seen before.. Then I decided to look around on my own some... I found some interesting videos at MySpace... And also YouTube... Some of it is pretty silly... And who has hours to sit and watch that stuff... Especially when your computer chair sucks!

Current TV I think was the best of the bunch. Great political satire... Plan on surfing in there more to study it further.... It is actually owned by Al Gore... Isn't that weird? Never knew he was such a hipster... And the fact that his wife is the one that brought about parental advisory stickering... That many artists love because it helps them actually sell MORE albums... Not less....

Friday, March 23, 2007

What's Going On?

Are they ever gonna do anything about this eye sore? Either fix it or take it down...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Everybody is looking for something good... They want peace, harmony, love, happiness... It is desired by all... I know this to be true by just living on this planet... And it seems the misery continues... What a strange world...

You know that these good things are absolutely promised in the Bible... See here:

I saw Heaven and earth new-created. Gone the first Heaven, gone the first earth, gone the sea. 2I saw Holy Jerusalem, new-created, descending resplendent out of Heaven, as ready for God as a bride for her husband. 3-5I heard a voice thunder from the Throne: "Look! Look! God has moved into the neighborhood, making his home with men and women! They're his people, he's their God. He'll wipe every tear from their eyes. Death is gone for good—tears gone, crying gone, pain gone—all the first order of things gone." The Enthroned continued, "Look! I'm making everything new. Write it all down—each word dependable and accurate."

I'm sure other religious texts make similar promises... But for the time being we are just gonna have to wait until God fixes this mess we have created for ourselves... I believe the promises of Revelation 21... And until then I guess there's just no other way.... But to trust and obey...

I'm still disappointed sometimes... And God seems silent often... But the promises stand...

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Latest Movies

Little Miss Sunshine - Big favorite at film festivals... Became a big hit this year. Funny stuff... Could have avoided the R rating by just cutting back on the "F" word. OverKill...
All the Kings Men - I like Sean Penn in almost everything. This political drama is complex and compelling... Makes ya think about things.
The Producers - Mel Brooks songs are always great... I've been a fan of his since I was a kid... This Broadway hit is one of his best..
The Illusionist - I saw most of this but ran out of time.. Just so busy ya know? But it was pretty good while it lasted... Twisty love magic story... Almost a chick flick really...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Politcal Test Results

You are a

Social Liberal
(65% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(28% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

Record Favorites 2

REM Document - Yep... It's got the hits... Very guitar driven REM record... Political too... In the usual dreamy lyric that is common for their songs... "Look who bought the myth"
Lush Gala - Swirly whirly guitars and sweet high harmonizing vocals... Some really dreamy stuff... The drummer committed suicide so I guess these guys are no more... Very original...
My Bloody Valentine Loveless - You like Smashing pumpkins?This is better... Great guitar wall of noise and intense writing style to the songs.. Buried drums that can be heard - Barely...
Beastie Boys - Paul's Boutique - The bible of sampling... Even people who hate rap like the B- Boys. It's time to recognize...

Monday, March 12, 2007

Online Friendly Questions

Oh yes... MySpace, Xanga, Yahoo 360, Windows Live Spaces... And now OKCupid... Fun stuff huh? OKCupid is perhaps one of the most entertaining and time comsuming relationship/dating sites I have ever played with...

Someone was telling me... "I've got TONS of friends online"!! Hmmm? It's easy to meet em huh? Of course is it tangible? Is it possible to actually have a "friend" or "relationship" through the dsl lines of the internet... Can you have a relationship over a telephone? Maybe... Of course nothing is better than face to face.. But then how long does it actually take to get to "know" somebody?

I've heard it said - "You always know how far this deal is gonna go in the first 5 minutes"
Does this same rule apply perhaps to the first 5 emails? And then do we put it off (meeting in person) because there are just so many others out there to meet?

What a day for a daydream....

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Record Reviews

Oh yes... Been listening since I was a little kid... Been exploring albums from my past... And present... Gonna blogg on em as I think about it...
Recent listens...

AC/DC High Voltage - Their first record.. And best... Great blues hard rock...Bon Scott is amazing and the lyrics are way beyond the times... Sex and Rock and roll at it's best... "She gave me the jack"
Pink Floyd A Saucer Full of Secrets - Their 2nd record... One of my favorite Syd songs... And the end of his career with the band... The recording is kinda weak.. But the songs are undeniably bizzare... Even without Syd...
The Beatles 65 - Been into since the 2nd grade... Love the "fake steareo" on the vinal record. John Lennons "dylan" period... "Im a loser" and Pauls "Ill follow the sun" are 2 of my all time favorites.

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Gotta new sound card tonight... The one that came with this box was not working or something.. No line in or mic... The speakers worked.. Now I'm in business and can start recording a looping guitar masterpiece showcasing the life and times of David B Doufo...

Betcha can't wait... It's gonna be so groovy... (I hope)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Do I Look the Same?

East Central High School 1984 Senior Picture

Monday, March 05, 2007

My Girl.. Hillary

I was browsing profiles at MySpace and found Hillary Clinton... I added her as a friend and she accepted! She is still looking GREAT at 59.... Go hillary 2008

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Movie Time

Oh yea... The movies continue..

The Covenant - Teen heartthrobs with witchy powers... Hmmmm? A bit hard to follow and not my cup of tea but entertaining anyways..
Snakes on a Plane - A failed attempt at making a big budget "B" grade movie...
Night Listener - True story about a gay failed radio show host that gets emotionally taken advantage of by a blind girl... Very interesting... Twisty ya know?
Eragon - Teenage dragon rider... Saves the world from evil magician... Fun stuff...

Hey! 2 smokes in 8 days.... Pretty darn good huh? The smokey winter is coming to an end... :)