Sunday, June 29, 2008

Job's and Letdowns

Well I start 12 hour shifts tomorrow... Gee I can't wait... 6 to 6.It's all gravy train... I can't wait to make millions on this computer.. Not gonna happen...LOL

And of all things... I was going to try out as the drummer for a "cover band" They had a meeting and decided I wasn't right for the gig... That's funny... Anybody who knows me has considered me the best drummer they had known personally...

Better jam with me before making such a decision.... I of course swore off of cover grinds a long time ago...But that ole evil green was calling my name.... It's a strange world.
Peace and prayer...

Friday, June 27, 2008

Look Here are some songs

Remember I am uploading all my old demo's a little at a time at my website...Free MP3 Downloads

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I totally screwed it up!

I am in the process of moving my sites to a new server. Somehow I have maganged to overwrite all the bloggs with one blogg or something... It's just so complicated. I'm going to diligently try to get a real job on a forklift... (my home network is screwing up too) Forklift time... :)

Oh I'll figure it out... i have a request in with the host. But I assume all the hard work I have done over the past few days is forever lost... Gottta start from scratch... Peace to all and Goodnight.

Monday, June 23, 2008

New Album

Just uploaded yet another demo over at my free mp3 site. It was an attempt to write songs of love for my wife and to Jesus... I never come off as a very good "christian" artist tho. Don't know why. But hey the music is pretty groovy.

I found a really good master of The Enigmatics Sessions... That is a great record.. Maybe I'll do that one next!

Monday Funday

Time to get up and take on the day... Need to find that perfect job and all. Get a dream. Get a life. Go to the doctor makes everything alright. Ya dig?

“but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They
will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they
will walk and not be faint.”- Isaiah 40:31

The Bible Gateway tells me something daily. Have a good week!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Moving Right Along

Still working on my crazy network of blogg's and music. Today I set up 2 blogg's
They are:
I have uploaded a new record to my mp3 site and getting ready to upload 2 more complete records tonight or tomorrow... Check out DaveStuff Grow... Ya dig?

Mr SpaceKid

  • The all or nothing party type
  • Pay About the Average Price
  • Just a stoner in trance
  • Waiting for the men in black
  • Your like a genuine freak
  • You know I know that talk is cheap
  • Why don't you be the real McCoy
  • Be like me and jump for joy
  • There's visine for bloodshot eyes
  • Cause you display all the signs
  • The sign your teenager's on drugs
  • And to your folks it's clear as mud
  • So your future's looking bright
  • Till the drugs turned out the light
  • Now it's time to enjoy life
  • You got saved by Jesus Christ

Star Trek Blogg

Got a new blogger on the team for the DaveStuff Network...Star Trek fan like myself. I just got the blogg set up. It's coming together pretty good.Gonna do a little tweaking and some SEO work on it and turn it loose. Can you dig it?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Change Of Beliefs

I used to think God sent people to hell... Or rather they could never believe and therefore go to hell. Or let go of God's grace.... I still wrestle with this but have lately converted to a "universal" belief often spoke of in 12 step meetings... Yet Christ is actually the center of the universe...

Check this Jewish guy's website: Very Interesting

Judeo Christian and Prophecy

And Hey! I designed it for him many moons ago!

Blogging Network

I am currently working on a network of blogg's written by folks who believe in God. My own is The Hip Opinion. If you would like to join in the fun please contact me and I'll set you up free... More info soon

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thank You

It has been a wild 6 days... But I'm feeling at the top of my game...Thanks for all the prayers and support... I'm ready to get on with life.... It's good to be loved! Shine ON!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Good Morning!

Psalm 85:2

You forgave the iniquity of your people; you covered all their sin.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

More Free Underground Music Comming.

I got boxes of it folks... Just think... Pretty soon you will be listening to all kinds of groovy music while driving in yer car... Can YOU dig it!

The Journey

A group of friends of mine formed a church way back in the day.(2002) We were all totally on fire for what God was doing... It was split off from a couple of different church's. We had dreams of the church growing into a big church as we were really on to a awesome formula.. Ya dig?
The Journey An EFCA Church

We all keep in touch... But is the dream over? I think not... God's got plans...Big plans! Ya dig?

Monday, June 09, 2008

Tulsa World?

I was just trying to log into the Tulsa world's website to view some saved jobs.. And it's like the account doesn't exist anymore... Weird.... Strangeness indeed. Guess I wasn't supposed to look there this morning. LOL

Sunday, June 08, 2008

SEO - Portfolio

Been a busy little bee. Working on my online portfolio. Today I did some work for a friend that I did a site for in 2005. She was getting horrible search rankings so I did some optimizing today. She uses Cutenews which is horrible with search engines. So I may advise her to go with something else to do her Prophetic Writings. Wordpress would be best....

Ya know... I really don't want to go work in a hot warehouse again. I will if I have to but my passion is for computers so... DaveStuff Continues!

I have faith ya know... God's got plans... Big plans..Ya dig?

Saturday, June 07, 2008

It's about Grace

I wondered like sheep often do for awhile.... But God never gave up on this guy... He loves me.
Better get some sleep... Doing long hours in front of this screen...And LOVING it...
Can you dig it???

I knew ya could....

Friday, June 06, 2008

Over Worked Underpaid

I got dreams you know... Crazy things swimming in my head... I been sitting here with my head in a computer for days.... It's getting a bit ridiculous now.... Gonna do some hanging with my girl and such you know....

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Controversy Opinion

Well... Still unemployed here.. Got some good leads however... The good Lord will always find a way.

I am working on a site right now in which I hope will generate traffic and discussion that everybody is into. It's called "The Hip Opinion" You know how everybody has one. I am live now but barely any content... Check it out:

Lets' talk sex, religion, politics, money,etc!