Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Moving to a New Host - And New Blog

I can't sleep tonight and gotta get up for a hard days work...

My blogs are in the process of being moved to a new server so everything is up in the air... I decided to take my chances with a VERY cheap host to see what happens...I think the parent company to the host is an established internet company so we will see what happens.

I am also blogging at today.com now too. To try and earn a few extra bucks... Getting laid off sucked but things are gonna change... I can feel it...

Check out my Opinion Reviews Blog at today.com

Monday, October 20, 2008

Adsense Troubles (The Blues)

On my most popular opinion blog I use adsense to try and make a little extra cash to run these expensive sites... Pretty soon I won't be able to afford that server and will do all of my bloggging on free services like this one.

I wrote a short post about DUI awhile back on the Hip Opinion
. Now, ever sense I posted that article ALL of my ad's seem to be DUI lawyers and drunk driving schools and stuff... This is driving me crazy... How could that one post effect all the ad's that are displayed... The article isn't even on the front page anymore... It's an archive.

I have used googles adsence competitive add feature to try and stop it... The "reletive" content  feature for google ad's isn't as smart as I once thought... It's so strange how those silly DUI ad's monopolized the entire blog.

Of course I'd rather not have ALL "christian" ad's over at my christian opinion blog either. I tried to fight that with googles back end too but the ones I blocked were simply replaced by other "christian" ad's... How about some ad's for stuff I actually like... You know...Wendy's Mcdonalds, diet coke, Capt Crunch...All the good things in life.... Go figure.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Castle in Muskogee Holloween Festival

The Castle in Muskogee. Finally made a trip over there... We stumbled around in the dark and paid the big bucks to ride the hayride. We didn't do any of the really "scary' stuff... Kids get scared easy.. (And so do I)

Here's a Review:
  • Haunted Hayride - Better than I expected... Nice lighting and some scary moments. Long  slow moving lines however. But once on the trailer it was pretty groovy...The guide with the microphone was a little annoying however...
  • Ultimate Maze -  Great spooky music going on loud in there... Lights and spooky trees and tunnels. Not a lot of actors however...And people in the maze itself were trying to be actors by scaring other visitors.... Hey, if you want to scare people how about applying for a job at the castle? Your efforts to add to the experience wasn't needed.  
  • Pirate Ship - We only sat in on this for about 5 minutes...Which is a review in itself. Perhaps if I had given it a bit more time I would have been more entertained... But the little toy Karaoke stereo they were using as a PA was rather weak. Nice juggling tho.
  • Enchanted Boardwalk - This was much better than I thought it would be. I pictured a bunch of cheesy Wal Mart blow up Halloween decorations...But this spooky walk through the woods and boardwalk with literally TONS of blow up lighted Halloween balloons was indeed...Enchanted...
  • Torture Chamber - I dunno... I guess you get what you pay for. If I had my glasses and a flashlight and the time to read the museum signs that explained the torture machines I would have been more entertained. But I didn't
I plan on taking a visit to the Hex House in Tulsa later in the season with my pretty girlfriend. We need to be scared a little more.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Cable Internet Customer

Went back to my old ISP again... There is just always some kind of drama with these things. I am trying to consolidate money so i can keep my server running and pay a high speed internet connection. I was simply paying to much having 2 different media companies running stuff...

I'm back on a cable connection
... It took a minute to set up but it's buzzing along pretty good today... It seems just as fast as the highest speed DSL and I actually went with the cheapest cable connection I could get... And slowest of course.

That DSL was getting flaky as hell... It was driving me up the wall... Dropping worse than a dialup connection... Which could be around the corner if I can't control these horrible expenses after my crippling layoff... It's Bush's fault... LOL

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Getting Your Parents to Vote Obama

From Obama's website:

What a trip!

Vista - Do you still hate it?

Mouse games to check your reaction. I bet that would really be fun on a laptop. Those quircky mouse pad's and stuff.

I don't really enjoy my laptop much. In order to get the performance out of a laptop that you get out of a desktop is about $1000. My laptop simply doesn't have enough processor power or memory to deal with vista.

I am typing this post on a vista box but would rather be using XP still. Vista just isn't all that great in my opinion. Lots of people agree.

It looks pretty...But performs slow... How many people have the money to get a huge upgrade or new computer every time Microsoft comes out with a new OS? I quit trying to keep up with the technology a long time ago... I press on with what I got... And that's fine here.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

I'm Only Sleeping

Time is essential to everything we do. And there is never enough of it to go around... Especially when you enjoy laying around in the bed like I do - Sleeping ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I'm Only Sleeping
while the time clicks by. It was John Lennons favorite thing to do. Likewise... Being lazy is all good.. But non productive.

Now isn't that a cool clock?
(see link above) It was thrown together with flash from some images he found on another blog. Stupid and Random and Hilarious.

I continue on my blogging "hobby" and to get my voice heard by the millions of people who deserve to hear what I say (tee hee) I continue to run across other interesting things in the blogsphere. I am making it a point to link to other blogs that I find interesting, and, to help them (and hopefully myself) to obtain more readers... I'm still trying to earn that cup of coffee from Starbucks with nothing but blogging revenue.

You know us bloggers have SO much to say to everybody.
In the meantime it' time for a little nap...Sunday afternoon....

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

How to make Money Blogging?

You know the old saying... Never give up... I'm not one to follow this advice... I like to give up...But I'm gonna keep on this train of blogging. I have 3 blogs going that I post to daily...

It seems that the big players at making money blogging is the blogs that teach how to make money blogging... I just discovered that tonight. Go figure..

At any rate I am doing most of the tips that I have read about at sites like problogger.net and One Cool Site. There are thousands of them and many give the same tips over and over... Geeze...  Now I know people would rather read my crap than the same tips over and over right?