Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 Review

  1. Got divorced in Jan. It was a short marrage.... What a struggle... But you can't always get what you want..But if you try sometime... Ya get what ya need... Those days seem like a dream to me now... I think I saw her during the holidays at a restaurant...She sent me a text saying something about how I "looked better last year". But then taking a look at my current girlfriend I'd say I look better THIS year.
  2. Moved back to Tulsa - Home is where the heart is.... I vowed never to leave tulsa again...But you know, stuff happens... You never know what I'll do.... Crazy world huh?
  3. Fell off the Wagon - Like, a Friday nite thing for a few weeks... This was in the spring. By August I was drinking Windsor daily... It got really crazy there for awhile... But I am certanly enjoying recovery again way more than the party train.... Sobriety/God Kicks ass... You know what I'm sayin?
  4. Started working on art projects.... Wrote and produced a techno record...Gave it away to lots of my recovery homies... You can get a copy online....Free of course... Also worked on lots of recovery comment art and uploaded them to a website...
  5. Watched my kid become a punk/Goth - I guess it was only inevitable...She certainly has the story to justify becoming dark... She has been through a hell of a lot more than most kids who wear that badge around... "Nobody understands me" Please....
  6. Hung out with my other kid. She makes me proud... I see her as often as I can..But it just ain't enouph...
  7. Slept - Just not enouph of it you dig?
  8. Worked - The harder and heavier the work...The more I like it...
  9. Recovery meetings...I been to over 140 or so in the past 3 1/2 months
  10. Found smokes I can afford.... Hey! smoke if ya got em..

Guess that's all I can say for now....Also! Check the Ice Storm!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Happy Chritmas

I hope everyone has a great one.... Chritmas is a good thing even tho it is kinda stressful... Life is good these days... The last couple of Christmas's really sucked for me...But things are looking up...
Shine on Folks

I put together a full length record for all of my new (and old) friends.... I also have it available for download under my domain at

Check it out And give me a little constructive criticism.

Merry Christmas All!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

During the Strom!

find and share recovery images at

Ice Storm

Wow... Like the movie ya dig?
My power was down for days... Like 6 of em.... I was quite stressed believing that I would need a guy out here to repair damage to my house electric box but it's all good... I came by after work to witness the power come up.... Great feelings of relief...

The storm as brutal as it was had magic to it... The ice storm of 2007 is a winter I should never forget.... Sweetness and Light indeed...
Shine on!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Black Out

It's just like a dream
All the places I have been
And the world that I see
Just keeps on Crumbling

Take a look at my past
All the times that I was trashed
I got thrown outta the band
I just kept wondering

I wonder what I did last night (x2)
In my blackout I lost track of time

I was driving while high..
Until I saw the flashing red lights.
They threw my can in jail.
Got no wife or job to make bail..
And I'm in HELL

I wonder what I did last night
In my blackout I lost track of time

High School speech class failed me now.
In front of a judge somhow
Words and sounds came ouuta mouth
Incoherient mummbling

So then I pray and confess
God get me outta this mess
This time I'll pass the test...
But I just kept stumbling

I wonder what I did last night.
In my blackout I lost track of time
In my blackout I lost track of my mind..

I now have no more fear.
Drinking water instead of beer
My head is crystal clear..
Now I''m in recovery

Thursday, December 06, 2007

First Week of Dec

And Christmas is right around the corner....
  • Pre teen crazyness..
  • Relationship woes..
  • Confusion.
  • Un-Supervised acting out
  • Lonelyness
  • Drama
  • Recovery
  • Solid Advice
  • Overtime
  • Company party
  • 100's of smokes
  • 2 meetings daily
  • Depression
  • Crushes
  • Buckets of coffee...
  • Wired Caffine
What a week...Thank God it's friday....

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Wow... Like, totally

Working with a new guy now.... He is very active and is demanding.... Looks like it's what I needed... He pushed me in an excersize of "self esteem" tonight.... That guy's a trip ya know?

Shine on man... Keep coming back.....

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Love Insanity

I don't believe I have seen anybody love as she does.
Absolute commitment in spite of rejection and lies.
Just keep going back for more.

She's a friend of mine.
Beautiful. Confused. Hurting.

She gives new meaning to the song:
"If you leave, I'm going with you"
She tells me she's crazy...
I guess Shakespeare was right.
Love is insanity...

Monday, November 26, 2007

ThanksGivng's Over

A great holiday... I guess' it's good to be back at the job...

I had a nice one.... Some of it was a bit of a roller coaster ride...But I love the Tulsa state fair and all... And Roller coasters are my favorite ride....Too bad the Zingo is history ya know?

But then my personal life often stays on one... Up and down... Hot and cold... Those are the temperatures Ya dig? Hell, I wouldn't have it any other way.... :)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Hey Baby Sweet

I see a girl, sweet as a flower.
Walking in Darkness.
Then she dances in april showers.
Looking back all flower power.

Hey Baby Sweet. Hey Baby sweet little girl.

She works in the pub waitress dressed in white.
And everybody in the bar wants her as a wife.
Another girl who "understands"
When I'm drifting in another land.

Hey baby sweet, hey baby sweet - sweet little girl.

She serves delightful conversation.
And every word is like a revelation.
Take a look as we shine.
While we live high on white.

Well the girl could be the light of your life.
That is as long as were doing the white.
Come on baby give me one more chance.
Let's make junkie romance.

Hey baby sweet. Hey baby sweet. Sweet little girl.

Words and music. - Dave 2007

Saturday, November 17, 2007

My Name is Bill W

Went and saw the film at a little methodist church on cherry street... Pretty good stuff... Very loyal to the big book.... I didn't realize they had done a remake of that film...And I was unaware that Abby had went back out... He didn't reappear in the film so I assume he didn't come back... Not sure....

Good stuff.... Check it....

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

60 Days

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Silver Screen

My life has been like a hollywood movie.
Started rated G - Good and clean.
Like vintage Walt Disney
Escape from witch mountain.

Then moving up to PG
Smokey and the Bandit - Jaws 1, 2 and 3
Or Jones and the Temple of Doom.
I tried an R real soon.

Fast times at Ridgemont High - I got a clue
Restricted to NC-17 to triple x with all the rest.
The life of a movie in Vivid Technicolor

Filling up...But never sated.
I just faded... To commercial
Acting without rehearsal.

I was writer, producer and director
To be in charge forever.
I wish my actors would just behave...
I'd have it made in the shade
And not be an alcoholic slave.

It's all about the greatest movie/life of all time.
All about how I will shine.
But the budget ran out.
I had no more clout.
Don't know what the films about.

Where's the plot?
I must have got lost...
Where's the cast? The grip?
I need to show the world what the critiques missed..

But then I got dissed.. Totally...
Hopelessly bitten...
The academy said good riddance

I got a new script now... It's written by somebody better than me...
HIGHER Than I can go...
I hope to win the Oscar this time..
As long as he calls the shots... Ya dig?
Almost showtime.....

Friday, November 09, 2007

Hot or Not?

Come on now...Geez... I ain't that friggin ugly am I?

I had a regular picture up there and was rating a 3.3
Help a sober swingin' single out.... Give me some good scores...Pleeeassse!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The 3rd Prayer

God, I offer myself to you to build with me and to do with me as you want. Relieve me of the bondage of myself that I may do your will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of your power, your love, and your way of life. May I do your will always....

Shine On! In peace....

Monday, November 05, 2007


Every single day, laying in the shade.
Living in illusion.
Every night I sleep, dreams I try to keep.
Keep and not confuse them.

Lay my cards on the table
Looking for something to label
Label it as cool.

Every where I go, everything I'm shown.
Living in illusion.
Every word I read, story of lust and greed.
Try and not abuse them.

Lay my cards on the table.
Looking for something to label
Label it as cool.

Every song I've heard, lived or tried to learn.
Living in illusion.
All the film I've watched. Television cops.
Label it as useless..

Lay my cards on the table
Looking for something to label
Label it as cool...

I think I'm cooler than you....

Words and music - DaveStuff 1997

Saturday, November 03, 2007

The DaveStuff Mess

Been working on my personal domain again... Found a bunch of old pages and mess and through it all up there... I think most of it works...But then I ain't trying to actually put together something that works anyways... Just a bunch of crap and then new stuff...

Yo Holt! (if you read this) I been throwing up tons of files... I hope I don't max the servers hardrive... I can go with my server in Dallas for some of the stuff if it's gettin ridiculous!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Driving the Streets Today

Had a tough day... Problems....
I was driving... Problems... A guy was really doing stupid things in front of me...

I thought... Wow...There's one asshole on the road....
Then I was confronted with a choice....

Is there gonna be two assholes on the road? I figured one was enough for today...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Oh yeah.... Waiting around for somethin' to happen... It never does.... :)
Just a little patience... Yea yea...
Out there looking for excitement and finding it...But the ensuing ciaos sucks...
Take a trip down memory lane for a moment... Get busy...
Memories of rushing into things into disaster...
Faster...Faster... Faster... More more more...

I want more... Or less... Of what I want now...But not really....
Another day in the struggle...But loving it...
Now does that make any damn since?

Halloween tomorrow - Ozzy. (me) Diary of a madman.....
Shine Brightly ... Ghosts inside the fragile egg shelled mind....

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Happy Halloween

Went to a recovery Halloween party last nite....
I was Ozzy as usual...With a twist...
Does anybody get the joke? It has nothing to do with OSU or any football team....
Well heck I'll post the picture with the answer to the riddle....Check it:

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Indeed I am totally out of control.. Got about 10 projects going on... Working on several songs... New networking profiles.... My personal website.... Revovery comment art... It just consumes me... That's what ending the party train is like I guess.... I just keep doing it... Arty farty stuff...
As if I had some kind of talent....Gee Wiz folks...

What can I sober boy do? Getting busy.... Ya dig?
When I get some songs completed I'm gonna open a myspace music profile and post that crap...

Look... It's the "DaveStuff Comment Art" staff photographer... She belongs in front of the camera as well as behind it huh?

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Another Networking Site

Oh yeah... I'm a sucker for a good time... You know this....

I found it in a myspace group... I just couldn't help myself... It pays 50 cents for every 1000 page views... But I guess every little bit helps...
However the site does lag.... Probably got that huge thing crammed on a couple of servers in somebody's garage....

It's growing by leaps and bounds...2000 new members in a single day....
Join up and start raking in the big bucks...LOL

Friday, October 19, 2007


Indeed there here we are... No matter where ya go...There ya are.. I knew you could dig that!
Hey! You cat's have a fantastic weekend! I know I will!

find and share recovery images at

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

MySpace Bulletins

Yes... I know... I have bitched before about that site... But I LOVE it...
My latest gig is posting a bulletin of what music I got playing each day or night while rolling in the jeep... Like this:
If you are still balking at myspace... You must have a life or something... :)
Come on now... Join the party and add me!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

My Website DaveStuff.US

Well.... I just don't do website design anymore... My heart just ain't been into since I lost Carolyn...I am certainly playing around on the net a lot these days.. It's all groovy...
I am going to turn DaveStuff into some kind of mess sometime soon...

Should be good arty fun if ya know what I'm saying... So stay tuned....

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Derailed the Party Train.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

AA Forums at Myspace

Oh Yea... I LOVE it...
Check out all the flaming!

AA as a cult.... (reprinted or used by permission)
Yeah right pal... You just lifted those articles didn't ya?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Reflections of Sunday

Derailed the party train.
With no more love to make.
I try so hard to fake it.
But all I have to say is.

Hey Hey Fire Lake
Hey Hey Can ya take it?

Cuttin' down the lawn of grass.
Whiskey is water in an empty glass.
There ain't no way to change it.
Looking high inside I wanna take it.

Hey Hey Fire Lake
Hey Hey Can ya say it?

Every night see the color blue.
Inside the ice cold brew.
It was somewhere I could fade away.
Reflections on Sunday.

SuperBowl FUNDAY!

Words and Music by DaveSTuff

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Music and Movies


Van Halen - First 3 records. I, II, Women and Children First. Anybody that says that Van Halen with Sammy Haggar is better than that need to go to music school... The first song I heard from VH was "And the cradle will rock" I had never heard a guitar sound like that before... Then I let the whole record play and started partying shortly thereafter...LOL...

The music is exciting... Fun... Dave Roth playfully shines right along side the guitar riffs... You can see these cat's having a lot of fun in the studio... I have always liked the drums on VH records too... The records are always well produced....

I may not be on the party train anymore... But I can certainly get a little vicarious pleasure by cranking that shit in the car... Rock on guys... Glad you finally let Dave back in...


Bad Reputation - My kid brought this one home... Didn't think much of it... Till I watched it... Amazing....That has got to be one of the best high school films I have ever seen... Perfect for Halloween too... Forget that weak American Pie crap... This movie is the shit...

Death Proof - As good as Pulp Fiction? Sorry folks...But no...It was entertaining however.. That guy always is... Violent and bloody... Good dialog but a bit to talky really...

Thursday, October 04, 2007

US Mail Woes

I used to get a lot of mail... Bills ya know? Oh...They are still out there... But they don't send em to me... Or better yet the post office has my stuff totally screwed... I used to live in Pryor OK... For a short season... Apparently that haunted town and haunted post office is the problem...

I just don't get my mail... The forwarding stuff at that post office is making my life a living hell... I don't know who or how much I owe because the bills never come... Or come 2 month's after they are due... I have not been within 50 miles of Pryor since Jan....

My kid goes to school here in town... I got a letter with some school info in it... It was apparently sent month's ago... What is the address on it? You guessed it.. Pryor OK.....

I guess all these company's that I owe money to will eventually find me... What gives anyways?

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Records Again 2

Steppenwolf 7 - Best of their stuff... Great drug music... Snowblind friend has to be one of the best drug songs ever written... Hypo Stomp... "If they should find you know the man will shoot you down"... The bikers celebrate....
REM Green - I love REM before the drummer quit to become a farmer... Songs of childhood dreams... The lyrics almost make since... But not quite... Lots of Led Zeppelin influence on this one.
Talking Heads Fear of Music - Their best record IMHO. Great songs... Underrated as hell.. The song "Drugs" is also a great drug song... Dig it... Ya know?

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Online Photo Editor

Since my latest thing to goof with is cheesy image comments for myspace and other networking sites I was tipped about an online photo editor...

These things in the past have been usually very buggy and full of spyware but I was amazed at how well this one worked for free...

If ya don't have anything to play with images , and you got a high speed connection I found this one to work pretty good... Threw this pic together in just a few minutes... Played with many of the other tools as well... Check it!

Monday, October 01, 2007

More Death

Times of loss you know? Somebody from my new circle of friends died Friday morning from a car wreck... Another one's mother died today... People are hurting... I have experience first hand with death... I know why they say it is the most stressful event a person can go through...

And it continues for years....

I have known a lot of people who are fascinated with it... You see them walk around the malls.. You see it in music like Slayer... And in movies, books etc... The bible certainly talks about it.. In great detail.... Lots of death... Murder and war... Especially the old testament... It is certainly a problem. We all know that...

The bible has a solution... But somehow it doesn't always make it seem better... I believe it... But death will always somehow confuse me... Till I make that journey myself... And we all do...

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Drinking Game

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Todays List

Yep folks... It's me!
  • Free
  • Redeemed
  • Healed
  • Creative
  • Healthy
  • Employed
  • Laughing
  • Meeting more good friends
  • Alive
  • At peace
  • Singing
  • Dreaming....
The journey through life continues... Optimism is in the air... I love the Fall!
Sweetness and Light... Shine on....Brightly

Friday, September 28, 2007

Meth Wheels....

What can I say.... Life in the fast lane!
Shine On Cranksters... Nice knowing ya...
Hope to see ya around.... :)

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Wow..That chick is hot huh? Catchy tune too!

Of course I'd LOVE to go to ReHab... Those guys wont' take ole' David B. I just got too much recovery in me... But sitting around in groups working on myself sounds like a great vacation...

Recovery / ReHab
I LOVE it...
For LIFE!!!!!!!!!!

Keep Coming Back!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Work and Prayer

Been spending a lot of time at work... And at the computer... Still goofing with making comment images...Sure, it's cheesy but it's fun to do and I get to say want I want to say..

It's about time for bed you know? I'm just so tired...
Been Praying this daily:

Our Father in heaven,
Reveal who you are.
Set the world right;
Do what's best— as above, so below.
Keep us alive with three square meals.
Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.
Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.
You're in charge!
You can do anything you want!
You're ablaze in beauty!
Yes. Yes. Yes.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Art Fun

Well that I'm on the train to life I have gotten some creative juices flowing... I'd like to do some music but my digital recorder crapped out on me... So I have been throwing together some comment art together. I figured I'd throw some together because that stuff is VERY popular with myspcace and other sites... Fun stuff...

Check DaveStuff Comment Art

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Found a new networking site

Friday, September 21, 2007


It's winding down now... It was a great one! I got to talk to a lot of old friends... Meet a lot of new ones.. And work on major problems that have plagued me through the summer... It was nice to take a step back and look at things....

It's amazing how God doesn't give up on me... Even if I let go... He holds on...
Wouldn't you do the same for your kid?

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Like a Rainbow

She comes in colors everywhere....

My daughter drew this for me when she was 4 or 5 years old.... I was still David.... I had not yet adopted her...

I am now Daddy!

Love ya kid....
Your awesome.....

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

School Trip

My trip thu public schools was so FUN ;) took a trip with my daughter a few years back with a camera and took a look around... Ahhhh the memories....
Can ya list all the schools I attended if ya watch this little flash movie I put together? It was one of the first flash presentations I ever did...

Take the trip. (opens in a new window) It also redirects to a dead URL at the end.

I seem to have somehow deleted the actual pics from my computer... To bad... I'll keep looking!

East Central Tulsa

Been talkin' to follks I went to high school with on myspace. It's been my latest obsession/addiction. I have always been fascinated with high school. The different sects of people. Many movies demonstrate that... It is everywhere you go... But High school seems to be the most intense... Not sure about collage.. Didn't go there... Except the school of hard knocks... Indeed I have a masters degree in partying.

Yo... Join the party... Go to Dave's MySpace Profile and shoot me a letter if you went to EC in the early to mid 80's... Rather ya smoked with me or not in the smoke hole... I'll add ya right away and give ya full access to my profile... And add ya to my top friends.

I do this because I hate ""... I have tons of emails from there but can't read em because they always want my money.... Paid online dating and networking sites are silly... We got myspace to take care of all of our needs... MySpace.... I'm back... OMG help me... :)

Eastie Boys and Girls.... EC Cardinals... Proudly we stand!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

New Box

It's my Birthday Sat... I had some cash in my paypal so I decided to buy myself a cheap backup computer and set up a little network...It's always good to have 2 so that you can trouble shoot one or the other... And, networking is fun and good for sharing hardware and files.

E-Machine, Celron 3.3, 512 Ram, 120gig HD, DVD RW, $250. The only problem is the memory. It has Vista pre installed and 512 is really the min requirements. It seems strange they would sell a box with that little of memory with Vista... When I fired her up she was running at a slow crawl... That's to be expected... I did some tweaking to the settings and it's actually running pretty good. Unbeatable price... Ya dig?

The networking is not working. Plugged straight into the router and got on the net right away.. No problem.. But I can't seem to set up a home network with my other machine. The router I bought used for $15. The password to get into the router has been changed by the original owner and I can't seem to reset it to factory defaults...

Oh the computer struggles... I hate computers... :)
Looks like more memory and a new router will be in order later...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Records Again

Simon and Garfunkel - Parcely Sage, Rosemary and Thyme
Checkin it this week... Great 60's music. Poetic genius that Paul Simon. It's a close one between this one and Bookends... The songs make you think.. And pull your heartstrings.
Pink Floyd - The Wall
The Roger Waters opus... Loved it as a kid too... The 70's disco area... I have seen strippers dance to another brick in the wall... Also "One of my turns"... This record and it's movie are a part of my life... War, kaos, failure, insanity... Deep stuff... No other "art rock" band holds a candle to Pink Floyd.
REM - Life's Rich Pagent
Buy the Sky and Sell the sky... Don't fall on me... Love Stypes lyrics on this one... Big drum sound too. Oh there's a few dudes I guess... But I have always enjoyed REM... Visions, politics, and childhood dreams...

Digital Death

I got kind of creative this summer... Some fuel was feeding the fire so to speak... I started doing some tracks using this stand alone recorder I bought long ago...

It's nearly unused but just decided to quit on me all of a sudden... Frustrating ya know...

I didn't really need to record that crap anyways.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Irratable Restless and Discontent

What the heck???
I just keep hearing those words in my head ya know?
I feel really green in life again...
It's just like starting over...

It's time to get to work on things...
A day in the life (light).
Peace, be still...
It gets better..

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Movies 4

The Devils Rejects - Rob Zombie is a trip.. Pretty good film maker... That was one of the funniest bloodiest sick horror movie I have ever seen... It's funny how people can come up with that kind of crazy stuff... Like Steven King... Where does that stuff come from? I was certainly entertained.. I can't lie.....
Zodiac - Nice serial killer movie... Of course I guess they didn't get the guy. I couldn't read the text on my little tv at the end of the movie... I'm curious... But to lazy to look for it elsewhere... But it was a well done movie...
It - TV mini series... Steven King... My kid wanted to watch it.. It was what made her afraid of clowns when she saw it years ago.. I think she's gettin over it....

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

To MySpace or Not to MySpace

Yes.... I had planned on just shutting down that profile... That crazy meat market cesspool of sleazery.... The site is slow and buggy....But unbelievably popular.... And, addictive... People like myself with an addictive personality need to heed this and try to practice a bit of self control...

I thought that a mySpace profile would perhaps get me introduced to some more musicians or arty type of people... And they are certainly on there... But when I was a single guy I used the site to check out the chicks... It's kinda pathetic really....

But then I could go on about how much MySpace sucks for a long time... But why should I?
There are plenty of other people that agree...

But, I guess for the time being I'm just gonna leave it alone... Of course it's kinda hard when you have the home page on your browser pointing to there... It's hard not to be drawn into that mess.

Anyways... My Profile is still live for now.... Maybe I should change it up to attract more artists or web designers.... "NetWorking" right? Geeeze.... Louise

Sunday, September 09, 2007

So Long MySpace

It just gets so much attention... Being Red and all.... So long MySpace.... It's been real.....Fun....And... All that ya know?

Lo Fi Music Downloads

Gettin' ready to drop that evil domain of MySpace.... That place is ran by satan.... These songs are posted on the blogg over there in hell. (For a few more days)

My Songs For Download

Personal Music Sites
The Broke Brothers
D&G Arts
The Enigmatics

Late Nite in an Apt with a 4 Track
Right Click: Save target as: for download or click to listen

These tracks are from a band I used to play and write with - SUNUVABICH

Boot Party - On your head?
The Dork Way - Doing what I want is what I have to do.
Nothing But a Good Time - It better be...

Ozzy and the Witch

Re installed windows and other apps on my box... Up and running good again...This is a test image for one of my favorite image editing tools.... My kid was actually a kid then... Hee hee..

All Nite Long

Yep... I guess I ain't did this kinda thing since the crank days... Or perhaps working a church lock in.... It's after 5 AM.... Still ain't been asleep....
Watched a pretty cool movie...
Number 23 I think it was... Interesting watching Jim Carey in a serious roll.... The camera work and direction was a bit bizzare too ya know.... It was hard to tell rather it was meant to be there or simply a scratch or something on the disk... Pretty cool stuff anyways....

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Can't sleep...

Hmmmmmm? Strange.... I was so tired... Now I'm staying up late to listen to you sing....

Monday, September 03, 2007

Clean and Alive

One week folks.... Haven't felt this good in quite awhile.... The summer was a blast... But the game's over ya know? Never give up on prayer.... They get answered.... Now I see God working in my life again.... I"m meeting lots of new and quality friends....
One Day at a Time......
It's good to be back on planet earth.... Peace...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Float baby float...
3 Days worth...
What a day in the clouds...

The Eagles won.... One game
Then lost....

Ya win some ya lose some ya know?

Geeze.... It was so hot out there....
How 'bout some real football weather huh?

Monday, August 20, 2007

Football Fall

I'm a pom dad Blogg....

I can dig football... Used to hate it... A friend/roomate from back in the day kinda turned me on to it... The KC Chiefs.... Lookin' forward to the new season.... And of course Edison Middle school's season as my daughter is part of the squad to cheer them on....

Gotta game tonight!


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Rise Above

Yea Blogg...
Things been outta control....
Time to start driving like a real person.
Turn this ship in a new direction..

A believer
A dreamer

I got sidetracked. It's so easy to do....

Someone once told me that a big goal of the Devil is to convince people that we humans have plenty of time.... We can deal with things later ya know?
Time is on MY side...

Do ya know....Where ya goin' to? You know the song right?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sad eyes Crooked Crosses
In God's Country.....

My faith remains sideways....

My friends daughter commited suicide. She was a loyal member of the Rhema Bible Church her in Tulsa.

I got this bloody Tat. The day of her funeral....

The pain was intense......
Hi Blogg...
Guess it's been a long time huh?

Been dreaming ya know... Soft middle age...

I like disappeared.... Went AWAL and all... Don't feel alone... I'm sure tons of people feel that way...(Even locally) It's always a trip with me....

I'm tired.... Broke, confused- some of the time but usually not.... I look forward to each new day... Whatever it may bring... That's just how I am I guess... Ya never know whtat's goin' on with David B Doufo.... But... It's never boring.... That's a given....

I fell in love of course.... Ya know that strange overpowering emotion.... The Vulcans say it is the emotion above them all... The one that fuels all of the rest.... Anger, Jelousy, sadness etc....Shakespear said that "love is insanity" It's true huh?

I know that many of my Christian friends are wondering about me.... I'm OK really.... If yer reading this go ahead and say a little prayer for me.... I believe still... God is real... And his grace is bigger than my silly confusion.... And wonderings....


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Pirate Love

You think ya got it goin on huh?
You think ya know what's up?

Dream on ya know...
Yer fantasy can't hold a candle to my reality.
I float in rivers of pleasure folks...

Alive, and in full coulor...
Sweetness and Pain.
Rock Steady.....
It's all good...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Pain and pleasure

Lookin' for that fine line ya know.... Takin' another adventure to the Ink shop.....
The pain will drive me insane.... Beyond the 4th of July fireworks.... It glows for days...

Stay tooned to DavdStuff TV.... Or somethin' Dig?

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

I'm a trip of course.....
Something you should think about...
Or wonder what is up anyways....

I aint checked my email for weeks...
When I do it's full of spam....

Oh my the changes in things....
Desire.... Oh yes.... Love...

I used to play with the Enigmatics.....
I'm the real Enigmatic McCoy now folks....

Blogging helps keep me thinking....
I plan on being here often of course...
Once again....The internet playground...

Consider the dreams here....
Be back soon!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Linux Geek Wannabe?

Been playing around with a new OS... Linux Ibuntu. I played with open disks of 2 versions earlier and decided to go all out with this one and go for a full install on my hard drive...

I'm using it right now. It installed easily enough.. No geeky stuff really just a few clicks and it was installed right along side windows... Then came some challenges. I could not play any mp3 files or watch any dvd's. After several hours of searching geeky forums I finally found the codecs and stuff to be able to do play these.. They work great now... But it wasn't a walk in the park...

Other issues: Minimizing... If I minimize this firefox window right now it "disappears" into the bottom left side of my screen... Never to be found again... I have played and played with that... I assume it is still running but can't be maximized again...Frustrating...

I also have to contend with a 800 x 600 resolution... The solutions I found for that seem quite geeky... I don't know what video card I have and will have to spend some more time working on that if I want this deal to be a success...

Still... For free... I'm impressed... If I were to build a new box and didn't want to shell out the 150 plus bucks to get windows installed this would certainly be an option I would consider... It is fun playing with it to try and make it work. And there are tons of programs to install with just a few clicks... Even if it takes several attempts to get it running... Re-install...Re install... Get's frustrating...But I guess I'm deterimined ya know?

Linux Geek Wannabe?

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Record Favorites 3

The Prodigy Experience - This was the first techno album I ever heard. More than just "outer space" or "dance" music. A real listening experience... New and original.
Pink Floyd Animals - Like audio animal farm on acid... Great guitar solos. "Dog's" is one of my all time favorite Pink Floyd songs...
The Who Sell Out - Some of Pete Townshend's earliest stuff... Psychedelic and awesome.. Campy too! The double album Sell Out & Happy Jack were one of my favorites as a kid... And today..
The Police Zenyatta Mondatta - The critics kinda bagged this record... I bought it in a bargain bin at the little store down the street while in Jr. High... It's the best record they did. Awesome drumming.. And songs.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Movie Time 3

American Hardcore - I was playing in some of the clubs at the end of this era... I guess I didn't realize how violent it was... Of course it was here in Tulsa and near the end... It's to bad they didn't mention or have footage from this area of the country. A lot of those bands kinda sucked I thought... NOTA here in Tulsa was one of the best... (My opinion)
United 93 - Pretty scary stuff... If that is the way it actually went down... To do that now on a plane is of course impossible... And as a result we have to wait hours to fly at the airport... But how easily they took over that plane...Without even knowing English, is unbelievable.
Facing the Giants - Sure it made me feel good... Bad acting and all. I often wonder how that filmed earned a PG rating. It's funny too how when the team and coaches turned to God that they started winning and how everything got better... This of course is not necessarily taught in scripture. Is it?

Monday, March 26, 2007

Video Sites

Been browsing videos and stuff.. A friend over at MySpace turned me on to a few old videos I aint never seen before.. Then I decided to look around on my own some... I found some interesting videos at MySpace... And also YouTube... Some of it is pretty silly... And who has hours to sit and watch that stuff... Especially when your computer chair sucks!

Current TV I think was the best of the bunch. Great political satire... Plan on surfing in there more to study it further.... It is actually owned by Al Gore... Isn't that weird? Never knew he was such a hipster... And the fact that his wife is the one that brought about parental advisory stickering... That many artists love because it helps them actually sell MORE albums... Not less....

Friday, March 23, 2007

What's Going On?

Are they ever gonna do anything about this eye sore? Either fix it or take it down...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Everybody is looking for something good... They want peace, harmony, love, happiness... It is desired by all... I know this to be true by just living on this planet... And it seems the misery continues... What a strange world...

You know that these good things are absolutely promised in the Bible... See here:

I saw Heaven and earth new-created. Gone the first Heaven, gone the first earth, gone the sea. 2I saw Holy Jerusalem, new-created, descending resplendent out of Heaven, as ready for God as a bride for her husband. 3-5I heard a voice thunder from the Throne: "Look! Look! God has moved into the neighborhood, making his home with men and women! They're his people, he's their God. He'll wipe every tear from their eyes. Death is gone for good—tears gone, crying gone, pain gone—all the first order of things gone." The Enthroned continued, "Look! I'm making everything new. Write it all down—each word dependable and accurate."

I'm sure other religious texts make similar promises... But for the time being we are just gonna have to wait until God fixes this mess we have created for ourselves... I believe the promises of Revelation 21... And until then I guess there's just no other way.... But to trust and obey...

I'm still disappointed sometimes... And God seems silent often... But the promises stand...

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Latest Movies

Little Miss Sunshine - Big favorite at film festivals... Became a big hit this year. Funny stuff... Could have avoided the R rating by just cutting back on the "F" word. OverKill...
All the Kings Men - I like Sean Penn in almost everything. This political drama is complex and compelling... Makes ya think about things.
The Producers - Mel Brooks songs are always great... I've been a fan of his since I was a kid... This Broadway hit is one of his best..
The Illusionist - I saw most of this but ran out of time.. Just so busy ya know? But it was pretty good while it lasted... Twisty love magic story... Almost a chick flick really...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Politcal Test Results

You are a

Social Liberal
(65% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(28% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

Record Favorites 2

REM Document - Yep... It's got the hits... Very guitar driven REM record... Political too... In the usual dreamy lyric that is common for their songs... "Look who bought the myth"
Lush Gala - Swirly whirly guitars and sweet high harmonizing vocals... Some really dreamy stuff... The drummer committed suicide so I guess these guys are no more... Very original...
My Bloody Valentine Loveless - You like Smashing pumpkins?This is better... Great guitar wall of noise and intense writing style to the songs.. Buried drums that can be heard - Barely...
Beastie Boys - Paul's Boutique - The bible of sampling... Even people who hate rap like the B- Boys. It's time to recognize...

Monday, March 12, 2007

Online Friendly Questions

Oh yes... MySpace, Xanga, Yahoo 360, Windows Live Spaces... And now OKCupid... Fun stuff huh? OKCupid is perhaps one of the most entertaining and time comsuming relationship/dating sites I have ever played with...

Someone was telling me... "I've got TONS of friends online"!! Hmmm? It's easy to meet em huh? Of course is it tangible? Is it possible to actually have a "friend" or "relationship" through the dsl lines of the internet... Can you have a relationship over a telephone? Maybe... Of course nothing is better than face to face.. But then how long does it actually take to get to "know" somebody?

I've heard it said - "You always know how far this deal is gonna go in the first 5 minutes"
Does this same rule apply perhaps to the first 5 emails? And then do we put it off (meeting in person) because there are just so many others out there to meet?

What a day for a daydream....

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Record Reviews

Oh yes... Been listening since I was a little kid... Been exploring albums from my past... And present... Gonna blogg on em as I think about it...
Recent listens...

AC/DC High Voltage - Their first record.. And best... Great blues hard rock...Bon Scott is amazing and the lyrics are way beyond the times... Sex and Rock and roll at it's best... "She gave me the jack"
Pink Floyd A Saucer Full of Secrets - Their 2nd record... One of my favorite Syd songs... And the end of his career with the band... The recording is kinda weak.. But the songs are undeniably bizzare... Even without Syd...
The Beatles 65 - Been into since the 2nd grade... Love the "fake steareo" on the vinal record. John Lennons "dylan" period... "Im a loser" and Pauls "Ill follow the sun" are 2 of my all time favorites.

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Gotta new sound card tonight... The one that came with this box was not working or something.. No line in or mic... The speakers worked.. Now I'm in business and can start recording a looping guitar masterpiece showcasing the life and times of David B Doufo...

Betcha can't wait... It's gonna be so groovy... (I hope)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Do I Look the Same?

East Central High School 1984 Senior Picture

Monday, March 05, 2007

My Girl.. Hillary

I was browsing profiles at MySpace and found Hillary Clinton... I added her as a friend and she accepted! She is still looking GREAT at 59.... Go hillary 2008

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Movie Time

Oh yea... The movies continue..

The Covenant - Teen heartthrobs with witchy powers... Hmmmm? A bit hard to follow and not my cup of tea but entertaining anyways..
Snakes on a Plane - A failed attempt at making a big budget "B" grade movie...
Night Listener - True story about a gay failed radio show host that gets emotionally taken advantage of by a blind girl... Very interesting... Twisty ya know?
Eragon - Teenage dragon rider... Saves the world from evil magician... Fun stuff...

Hey! 2 smokes in 8 days.... Pretty darn good huh? The smokey winter is coming to an end... :)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The DaveStuff Quitting Smoking Program

There are tons of methods of getting off the evil smokes... The tobacco companies have entire quiting smoking websites up there to help their customers quit... (Funny huh?) And I'll be the first to admit... It's VERY hard to quit smoking...

Here is my program to quit smoking...
  • Buy a carton of smokes
  • Choose a quit date that corresponds to the last pack.
  • Continue smoking like you always do on the last carton. BUT....
  • Before EVERY cig... Say to yourself (audibly) "I have a desire to smoke, I have a choice, I choose to smoke" Then go ahead and smoke.
  • During this time make a list of things that you feel are good about smoking... And a list of things you feel are bad about smoking.
  • On your quit date you acknowledge that you have a desire to smoke... But that you choose NOT to smoke....
  • Keep the last pack from the carton in your home ready to smoke with a lighter for 6 months... But choose... Not to smoke...
  • Stay in prayer for God to deliver you from the "obsession" to smoke...
That's it!
Sounds easy huh?

Monday, February 26, 2007

Right Before The FLU

Yep... It's me on the Saturday night right before I was invaded by the flu.... Next year I'll be sure to get a flu shot... Blah..... Sickly....

Saturday, February 24, 2007

New Web Design Site

I am trying to get back into the web design game... I have revamped my site and plan on being one of the cheapest freelance designers out there... But even if I don't get any more clients I know that I can always do something else here on the net for the fun of it...

Check out my new site!

Friday, February 23, 2007

A song I wrote for my late wife...
I miss you sweetie...

Download here

MySpace and other projects

I am in the process of playing with myspace as well as blogger and matching up the look of those services... I am revamping my web design site and will start doing websites as my side job/hobby to make some extra bucks to try and get my money situation fixed... Of course everybody has a money situation... There is just never enough....

That MySpace site is a trip... It's rather buggy... I notice at prime time in the evening I will recieve many error messages... They say they are being sent to the "technical group" to be fixed. But that site is the biggest thing on the net now... More hits than yahoo or google so I have heard. It is all funded by advertisements which I have never clicked on a single one...

Of course there is all about the security issues on myspace as well.. Never put stuff on there you wouldn't want you parents or boss to read... Just like blogging and stuff... Anybody can see it... Setting your mySpace profile to "private" is not sufficient... It is not an "encrypted" site...There are many hacks available on the net to get around that... Just some FYI for ya's...

Was going to the Midnight movie tonight.. But.. .My kids got the flu so we are just hanging out and getting well...
Peace and Joy..... Happy Weekendings!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Nobody Knows

She comes and goes...
Goodbye Ruby Tuesday...

Mick and the gang... One of my favorites... The "acid" Rolling Stones.

"When you change with every new day... Still I'm gonna miss you."

Hmmmm? It all makes sense to me now.... What a song... What a life...

Hey! It's almost FRIDAY! Whoooooo Hooo!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Fat Tuesday

Yep... Party time...
I was talking to somebody the other day about partying. He was saying how he had been to the bar with some guys that new the bar owners... At closing time they simply run everybody out, lock the doors and continue the party.
He said he got home at 5 AM.

Those were the days huh? That kinda thing could destroy and entire weekend... Wow... My head hurts... Bottoms UP!
And tomorrow Lent Begins... The parties over... Hmmmm?

Monday, February 19, 2007

Nature Trails

Reminds me of good times in the city...
Wondering through the Park
Lost in time..
Joy and Peace
A long Sunday afternoon
Even with disagreements
It was beautiful...

More Space

Just installed a new external hard drive.. 250GB... Now I have all kinds of room for backups and to store all my music and stuff... I'm gonna back it all up... Then format and reinstall windows to rid my machine of all the bugs and malware it caught in the past 6 monthes... It'll be.... just like starting over...

Friday, February 16, 2007

Make It Go Faster

Went from dialup to dsl... Back to dialup and now on cable internet access... It was wonderful to get the speed back but many sites were still lagging and such... (MySpace) I was having a difficult time time with my router also as it is a cheap one... Better go back to Linksey....

Found a DNS tweaking site that is totally free and dramatically speeded up my page views... It is a wonderful tool as it converts domain names into actual IP addresses on the fly and carries a huge cache to help look at things... And it recognizes if the site you are on are the actual ones... Instead of "Phishing" sites... Check it out..

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Movie Night

Art School Confidential - Refreshing stuff... Havn't seen a movie as good as this one for quite some time.. I'm not a big comedy fan but this one was quite funny... It reminded me of a bit of being out in the music scene too... Really entertaining... See it... It's a gas... Beware however... Some crazy nudity in this one for sure... A lot of these critics didn't like it... Weird...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Wow.. What a trip...
Downloaded Linux Knoppix and booted from dvd... It worked PERFECTLY.... I could browse the net... Look at my files on my hard drive... Play games.. Write with a text editor... (Open Office) It was unbelievable...
Heck if your computer is crashed and you don't have the bucks for windows but still wanna use your computer... Do it...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Heck yea... Watchin' em..

  • Stoned - Terrible... Worst rock movie I've seen... Brian Jones murdered by the housekeeper? Is that what Jones looked like naked... Good grief that guy was naked a lot...
  • Spun - Brought back memories of my days as an outlaw... Although a bit far fetched and the camera made me dizzy sometimes..
  • The Da Vinci Code - The living daughter of Jesus Christ? Jesus never had sex silly...Rediculous, stupid and unbelievable.
  • JarHeads - Interesting but terrible script... 3 kings was a much better desert storm movie
  • Dead Mans Chest - See it... It's like star wars on the seas... Maybe better... Kudos
  • Rumble Fish - Filmed in Tulsa... Great camera work and direction... Good stuff.
Enjoying my little home TV and DVD player these days... I'll let ya know more later...

Monday, February 12, 2007

I Remember

I remember Lightning Skies..
Peace and silence wolverines..
Lauphs and jokes..
Dreams and hopes..

I remember Windy days..
Dust and rain and other things..
Driving long and scenery..
Nites where cold and icy trees..

Rolling pasuteres far away..
Trips to sonic on counrty maze..
I remember all these things...

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Join Together... Come on.. Join Together...

We are now full fledge members of our home church.... The one my kid grew up in...The one that dicipled me... It's nice...

He (God) must increase... I must decrease....
Believe first... Submit... Surrender = Peace.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

New Blogging Tool

There is always free stuff on the net.... Firefox.. My favorite free browser has some new addons that are pretty cool I must say... This new one I'm playing with now is a blogging tool which is a great text editor that helps me write my incredible stuff ya know?

Friday, February 09, 2007

Computer Strippers

Well I was wondering how long it would take till sombody started asking me to view their web cam. I was surfing in some Yahoo chat rooms awhile back and that was all that was in there... It was IMPOSSIBLE to even have a conversation with ANYBODY because of the mass flooding of ladies wanting my money to look at thier naked bodies....

I guess there is money to be made in all of that... Er.... But not from me.
I aint goin' out like that.

I wonder if it's just a matter of time till they take over this site too?

Daves Computer Tips...

Turn Off the Fluff – Screen savers, themes, background desktop images multiple users, fading menus. That stuff all uses processor power. You don't really need that stuff right? So shut it down set windows for best performance. See these tips!

Never Let it Sleep – If you want your computer off (I never do) then turn it off manually, don't let your computer "hibernate" sleep, or shut down on its own. Do it manually... It may not wake up.

Stay Organized – Do you ever loose stuff on your computer? Pictures, text files, important receipt and documents, music, video, etc. Most of this stuff is saved in the "my documents" folder by default. Keep it organized by categories of folders.

Run Utilities – Computers need maintenance Run the system tools weekly (Defrag, Disk check, etc...) It may be a good idea to go ahead and get a full 3rd party utilities suite as they do a pretty good job with a single click. I use one myself. There are many out there to choose from.

Use SpywareRemoving Software – Everybody had to fight this stuff. It's all about trying to get your surfing habits and send you spam and popups etc… This stuff can render a computer inoperable in just a couple of months. You don't have to live with it. Use at least 2 spyware removing tools and run then regularly. I personally use Windows Spyware Remover and SpyBot search and destroy.

Careful with that Free Stuff – Hey now... If I don't recommend it… Forget it… Really though, (Free Software) Click Here. Don't do it folks. Screen savers, themes, porno, software, pictures, and "cool free stuff" More than likely that stuff will come with some piggyback spyware viruses, or be very buggy software etc... Just leave that stuff alone OK? There are still lots of great stuff on the internet for free... You just gotta know where and what it is... Dig?

Use Firefox – I'm a Microsoft believer... I love Bill Gates... Don't you? I use Internet Explorer often. But If I am going to do lots of surfing I ALWAYS use Firefox. Why? Because it is a very light, fast and secure browser. IE just has too many holes and there is so much ugly stuff out there attacking. Firefox is Free!

Keep Her Patched UP – If your computer is not set up for automatic updates from Windows Update the you need to get over there often (weekly?). Always install any critical updates immediately. Don't put it off. You will regret it if you do.

Got High Speed Internet? Use a Router – Using a router for a high-speed connection is a great hardware firewall. It is essential for keeping worms and other nasty things away. Plus you can also share your computes on a network with a router. It's all good.

Use Virus Protection – So many people I know live without virus protection software. Or they are using a "trial" version that came with their machine a few years ago. It's way obsolete or not even functioning at all. Virus protection is mandatory folks. You don't have to spend big bucks on it. There are even free ones out there.

New Computer? Keep Those Disks – So many people just throw the disks that came with a computer away. I suppose they figure it's brand new so you won't need that stuff. - Yes you will. -Your new computer WILL crash someday. So if you have the restore disks and stuff you can get right back up…

Do Backups – Like I said... It will crash. So be ready. You don't need some elaborate backup software. All you need is a CD or DVD burner. Just burn off the files and folders that are the most important to you. I usually do it monthly.

Over a Year Ago...

I miss you
I think of you..

Why are you away?
Are you watching me?
-Your eyes call me
Voice of your heartbeat calls.

I miss you
Thinking Love.

I dont know whats happening
Where the night begins.
The wonder of your soul.
The anger in my mind.

God I am lonely
Without you my love.
You will not return to me.
I remember your trust.

I miss you
I love you

-For Carolyn I love you always.

Some Free Stuff

Some free stuff on the net

Irfanview Awesome free image editor
Free Virus Protection For the life of the product
Firefox Free,secure and fast browser
Open Office Free Office suit
Password Manager Manage all your passwords securely
SpyBot Get rid of that spyware
Araneae Awesome text editor for web development
Zip Central File zipping utility
- WYSIWYG Editor

I used to be a geek wannabe ya know... Now I just goof around on here for the fun of it...

The meaning of Leave...

There's an old country song with the lyric....
"If you leave... I'm going with you".

I am pondering the meaning of that song... Hmmm... If you decide to walk out that door to another life... I'm going with you rather you want me to or not.. Is that the meaning... Or is it deeper?

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Nite on the Town

Havn't been here for years..
Been thinking of things to hear.
Places to be
Dreams to keep
What lurks behind the evening
The Bad poets sleeping
And everybody's Dancing
And lauphing.

Winter time blues
Looking for clues
Into the city streets
Makes the night cheap
And the clouds on high
The black sky

Streetlights glow
The grass grows
The Maker sighs
The believer hides
And the world turns...

Like daytime T.V.
It's all free indeed.