Thursday, October 04, 2007

US Mail Woes

I used to get a lot of mail... Bills ya know? Oh...They are still out there... But they don't send em to me... Or better yet the post office has my stuff totally screwed... I used to live in Pryor OK... For a short season... Apparently that haunted town and haunted post office is the problem...

I just don't get my mail... The forwarding stuff at that post office is making my life a living hell... I don't know who or how much I owe because the bills never come... Or come 2 month's after they are due... I have not been within 50 miles of Pryor since Jan....

My kid goes to school here in town... I got a letter with some school info in it... It was apparently sent month's ago... What is the address on it? You guessed it.. Pryor OK.....

I guess all these company's that I owe money to will eventually find me... What gives anyways?