Thursday, January 03, 2008

New Years Resolutions 2008

  1. Stay Clean serine and sober... Like, in wonderland.
  2. Work and build a meaningful, healthy and committed relationship with my girlfriend.
  3. Join and get involved in a church
  4. Get caught up on some good movies.
  5. Read more.
  6. Get better control of finances.... Man...Like really.
  7. Go to and support my recovery group(s)
  8. Stop speaking in tounges
  9. Dodge satanic bullets
  10. Consider a bedtime rule...Then break it.
  11. Stop eating hamburger helper
  12. Stop singing ANY blues songs.
  13. Start a tree hugging program
  14. Look to the sky's with eyes that shine.
  15. Lastly - Vote Democrat. My early resolution since high school.