Friday, June 13, 2003

Well I just wanted to talk a little here on my first BLOG.. Can you dig it? I am including these ramblings on my site in order to tell a bit about myself and maybe vent a few things that I have on my mind.
On this first issue I would like to give a basic story of what it was like before I "got religon"

I was born and raised by excellent parents. They taught me right from wrong and how to respect others. I can't really say enough good things about them. I could not have asked for any better. They always took me to church and showed me the reality of God's grace and stuff but as I got older I decided to check out other things..

I started to believe that maybe Chrisitanity and religion were just myths. I remember Dr MCcoy saying something about it on
'Star Trek" Another friend that I played music with simply asked me point blank."Do you believe in God?" Nobody had really challenged me like that and I was puzzled. Am I just assuming that God is real just because I was raised to believe it?

Well, by then I had my drivers license and was driving around the school smoking Mary Jane and listening to Led Zeppelin. I really thought that I was going somewhere in life. I felt that the pot and the music were inspiring me to be something great. I had big dreams, big thoughts and wild plans. Needless to say I was in fantasy land. Or is that island?

Whatever-Er, anyway I graduated and went to the University of Party were I earned my masters.. I developed a taste for Pilsner 3.2 beer and drank it daily.
(Except for sundays you know I didn't want to aggravate the man upstairs too much..) And I worked at a small family owned company to support my drinking. No harm done right?

Just a good ole boy with a 6 pack and a tattoo and an old pickup truck. I wasn't hurting no one and I was still a productive member of society. I mean heck, I always paid my "public drunk" fines. So I worked hard.. And I played hard.. I was a truck driver you know..
Truck drivers just drink a lot. Kind of like painters, salesmen, construction workers etc... And you know that drummers are always the biggest party animals in the band.. It's just a fact of life. Drummers get drunk! Period....

Well this was my mind set for quite a few years. As my friends were settling down I felt I needed to come around once in a while to make sure thier life's weren't too boring. I mean I had to share with them my adventures and bring a bit of excitement into thier lives..

But most of the time I just ran around looking for that next party situation that could allow me to relive those big dreams of my youth. They seemed to be getting few and far between so I decided that when I turned 30 I was going to settle down... In a quiet little town.. and forget about everything.

That's when I found Crank... That's right folks. I settled down in a quiet apartment community and discoverd lots of folks just like me.
Drug addicts. And we had a "Summer of Drugs". During that time I found those dreams again. I felt better. I looked better. Songer..
Faster...Shazaam!!!! All my problems were solved.

unfortunately the "Summer of Drugs" lasted about 2 years.. As it went by I started loosing jobs and friends and stuff. God in his mercy of course had another plan. He sent me a wake up call by giving me a baby girl. And so after moving to a strange city with very few friends, a low paying job, $18000 in bills, a toothache and pneumonia.. God brought me to my senses..

I am a walking miracle folks. I am redeemed. Saved... Changed.. and Forgiven. That feels pretty good.. ya know?

Gods grace.. Don't leave home without it..