Friday, July 31, 2009

Attributes of a Party

It's Friday...
TGIF - The greatest day for the party...

This weekend my band is playing for a bit of a party/wedding. We are looking forward to getting loud , crazy and out of control. It's a party..

The Attributes of a Party;
  1. Sex - Now how can we leave out that element of a party?
  2. Drugs - To enhance attribute #1
  3. Rock and Roll - The soundtrack for Attributes #1 and 2

See - sometimes I know what I'm talking about.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Problem Roommates?

It can spoil a friendship... But it is never my intention to do that... Sometimes ya just gotta quit: Here is a public list of things that were troublesome to me.

No Payment
Have not been paid for at least 2 months. The agreement was to pay $75.00 per week. That equals to about $600.00 in unpaid room and board. Having somebody room in your house and not pay actually cost's money to the owner because of the use of resources.

Furniture Storage - Agreed to allow to have a "yard sale" to raise money... However the efforts were fleeting at best...The furniture (crap) was then simply stacked on the driveway for 2 months. This created a lot of clutter on front of the house. There was always the promise of "There's somebody coming for it", Or "I'm getting rid of it"...But it never happened... It will cost me more money to have it hauled off to the dump.

Laundry - Only washing 2 or 3 item at a time instead of a full load. Consistently using my detergent instead of your own. Rarely courteous enough to move our clothes to dryer. Instead, they just put my wet clothes into a basket or somewhere and use the washer.

Very Little Cleaning. Only cleaning the kitchen enough to cook . Unable to search for and find wash cloths or cleaning supplies to fully clean. Rarely thoroughly cleaning.

Using TV and Lights The TV and/or lights were on in most of the house at all times. Often leaving the house leaving 2 TV's running. Or on computer and leaving TV running. I am always walking behind then and turning off stuff.

Cigarettes. Always "buying" cigarettes off of me. If you are addicted to cig's then you need to buy your own at the store... Not from me. This has become annoying.

I'm sure there are plenty of things that you don't like too...That is fine, but because it is my house YOU have to leave. Now, I have edited this post to try and not sound like an asshole. I hope I have been successful...

You are a good friend... But a lousy roommate...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Cheap Presciption Glasses?

Tired of going to the eye doctor and spending big bucks on glasses that suck?

The Solution...
Buy them online... Zenni Optical has got all the groovy glasses you want... It takes awhile to get them but the prices are unbeatable... And check it... I ordered some and I can see PERFECTLY... No problems

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pandora or Pantera?

Pandora - I guess it kinda sounds like Pantera... But few similarities in music.

This would be the band I am rehearsing with now...We have a gig scheduled for next month and are hammering down to get ready for it.

The band started out as a Tulsa Blues sound but has slowly evolved into more of a hard rock thing... With some reggae and punk also..... Its sounding pretty good for a cover band...Sure, I said I would never do the cover thing again...But I need the money and want to play SOMETHING out there... And I have come to the conclusion that my originals suck anyways.... LOL

Never say never... You dig?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Neglect Fun

This poor blog has been neglected and ignored. What can a mediocre blogger do but to try and pick up where I left off...Which is the other side of laziness.

It's wednesday... 1/2 way there. Isn't everybody just working for the weekend? The weekend is when the fun begins... Fun in the sun...Fun for all...

I know these blogs of mine feel neglected... I'll attempt to find something fun to say about neglect. Is that possible?