Monday, November 26, 2007

ThanksGivng's Over

A great holiday... I guess' it's good to be back at the job...

I had a nice one.... Some of it was a bit of a roller coaster ride...But I love the Tulsa state fair and all... And Roller coasters are my favorite ride....Too bad the Zingo is history ya know?

But then my personal life often stays on one... Up and down... Hot and cold... Those are the temperatures Ya dig? Hell, I wouldn't have it any other way.... :)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Hey Baby Sweet

I see a girl, sweet as a flower.
Walking in Darkness.
Then she dances in april showers.
Looking back all flower power.

Hey Baby Sweet. Hey Baby sweet little girl.

She works in the pub waitress dressed in white.
And everybody in the bar wants her as a wife.
Another girl who "understands"
When I'm drifting in another land.

Hey baby sweet, hey baby sweet - sweet little girl.

She serves delightful conversation.
And every word is like a revelation.
Take a look as we shine.
While we live high on white.

Well the girl could be the light of your life.
That is as long as were doing the white.
Come on baby give me one more chance.
Let's make junkie romance.

Hey baby sweet. Hey baby sweet. Sweet little girl.

Words and music. - Dave 2007

Saturday, November 17, 2007

My Name is Bill W

Went and saw the film at a little methodist church on cherry street... Pretty good stuff... Very loyal to the big book.... I didn't realize they had done a remake of that film...And I was unaware that Abby had went back out... He didn't reappear in the film so I assume he didn't come back... Not sure....

Good stuff.... Check it....

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

60 Days

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Silver Screen

My life has been like a hollywood movie.
Started rated G - Good and clean.
Like vintage Walt Disney
Escape from witch mountain.

Then moving up to PG
Smokey and the Bandit - Jaws 1, 2 and 3
Or Jones and the Temple of Doom.
I tried an R real soon.

Fast times at Ridgemont High - I got a clue
Restricted to NC-17 to triple x with all the rest.
The life of a movie in Vivid Technicolor

Filling up...But never sated.
I just faded... To commercial
Acting without rehearsal.

I was writer, producer and director
To be in charge forever.
I wish my actors would just behave...
I'd have it made in the shade
And not be an alcoholic slave.

It's all about the greatest movie/life of all time.
All about how I will shine.
But the budget ran out.
I had no more clout.
Don't know what the films about.

Where's the plot?
I must have got lost...
Where's the cast? The grip?
I need to show the world what the critiques missed..

But then I got dissed.. Totally...
Hopelessly bitten...
The academy said good riddance

I got a new script now... It's written by somebody better than me...
HIGHER Than I can go...
I hope to win the Oscar this time..
As long as he calls the shots... Ya dig?
Almost showtime.....

Friday, November 09, 2007

Hot or Not?

Come on now...Geez... I ain't that friggin ugly am I?

I had a regular picture up there and was rating a 3.3
Help a sober swingin' single out.... Give me some good scores...Pleeeassse!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The 3rd Prayer

God, I offer myself to you to build with me and to do with me as you want. Relieve me of the bondage of myself that I may do your will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of your power, your love, and your way of life. May I do your will always....

Shine On! In peace....

Monday, November 05, 2007


Every single day, laying in the shade.
Living in illusion.
Every night I sleep, dreams I try to keep.
Keep and not confuse them.

Lay my cards on the table
Looking for something to label
Label it as cool.

Every where I go, everything I'm shown.
Living in illusion.
Every word I read, story of lust and greed.
Try and not abuse them.

Lay my cards on the table.
Looking for something to label
Label it as cool.

Every song I've heard, lived or tried to learn.
Living in illusion.
All the film I've watched. Television cops.
Label it as useless..

Lay my cards on the table
Looking for something to label
Label it as cool...

I think I'm cooler than you....

Words and music - DaveStuff 1997

Saturday, November 03, 2007

The DaveStuff Mess

Been working on my personal domain again... Found a bunch of old pages and mess and through it all up there... I think most of it works...But then I ain't trying to actually put together something that works anyways... Just a bunch of crap and then new stuff...

Yo Holt! (if you read this) I been throwing up tons of files... I hope I don't max the servers hardrive... I can go with my server in Dallas for some of the stuff if it's gettin ridiculous!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Driving the Streets Today

Had a tough day... Problems....
I was driving... Problems... A guy was really doing stupid things in front of me...

I thought... Wow...There's one asshole on the road....
Then I was confronted with a choice....

Is there gonna be two assholes on the road? I figured one was enough for today...