Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Silver Screen

My life has been like a hollywood movie.
Started rated G - Good and clean.
Like vintage Walt Disney
Escape from witch mountain.

Then moving up to PG
Smokey and the Bandit - Jaws 1, 2 and 3
Or Jones and the Temple of Doom.
I tried an R real soon.

Fast times at Ridgemont High - I got a clue
Restricted to NC-17 to triple x with all the rest.
The life of a movie in Vivid Technicolor

Filling up...But never sated.
I just faded... To commercial
Acting without rehearsal.

I was writer, producer and director
To be in charge forever.
I wish my actors would just behave...
I'd have it made in the shade
And not be an alcoholic slave.

It's all about the greatest movie/life of all time.
All about how I will shine.
But the budget ran out.
I had no more clout.
Don't know what the films about.

Where's the plot?
I must have got lost...
Where's the cast? The grip?
I need to show the world what the critiques missed..

But then I got dissed.. Totally...
Hopelessly bitten...
The academy said good riddance

I got a new script now... It's written by somebody better than me...
HIGHER Than I can go...
I hope to win the Oscar this time..
As long as he calls the shots... Ya dig?
Almost showtime.....