Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Sweet Home Oklahoma

I used to think it was OK to play sweet home Alabama. Of course you know I never been there. No, sir. Not one time.
I suppose it is OK to play Gloria.. Like Jim and the boys but looking back on it now It was really stupid. That's just the way it goes.
Jim was a Drunk.. I was a drunk.. But that's OK too..

I remember playing a small club in Disney Oklahoma. I was involved in a rather intense party situation but was feeling a little empty-
If you know what I mean... So I was asking around the club a little bit to see what was going on and sombody informed me that the FBI was there.
Or was it the DEA? Anyway, needless to say I was a bit on edge for the rest of the Gig.

It seemed as if this guy just kept looking at me.. He was'n't looking at anybody else.. Just me. This was going on for the rest of the night..
Was that the DEA agent? Hmmmm I guess I will never know..

At the end of the evening I was out in the parking lot and came across a young woman. She was looking at the moon..
"Ain't that moon intense"? She said.. She looked at it the entire time we were loading up the gear.. Or actually the rest of the band was.
I decided to look at the moon too!
I guess it was intense.. It's all a state of mind.