Sunday, October 05, 2008

I'm Only Sleeping

Time is essential to everything we do. And there is never enough of it to go around... Especially when you enjoy laying around in the bed like I do - Sleeping ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I'm Only Sleeping
while the time clicks by. It was John Lennons favorite thing to do. Likewise... Being lazy is all good.. But non productive.

Now isn't that a cool clock?
(see link above) It was thrown together with flash from some images he found on another blog. Stupid and Random and Hilarious.

I continue on my blogging "hobby" and to get my voice heard by the millions of people who deserve to hear what I say (tee hee) I continue to run across other interesting things in the blogsphere. I am making it a point to link to other blogs that I find interesting, and, to help them (and hopefully myself) to obtain more readers... I'm still trying to earn that cup of coffee from Starbucks with nothing but blogging revenue.

You know us bloggers have SO much to say to everybody.
In the meantime it' time for a little nap...Sunday afternoon....