Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Blogg Caution

I was reading in the newspaper about blogging the other day... It was interesting what they had to say… Bloggs are not private... If you blogg it is wise to write stuff that any boss, future bosses, wife, mother or grandmother could read and not be offended… The same could be true of Email because it’s so easy just to forward that crazy stuff you may write to all the people in your address book... And then they do the same ETC.

I used to blogg during the election and had some political views that I made public. Many of which were not very popular in this part of the country but I felt the need to do it… Now I don’t even know if I want to go there at all anymore. I just want my blogg to have some interesting stuff. But the fear in writing stuff that is controversial? Hmmmm?

Anybody can read what you write at anytime- That’s just the way it is.

But then blogging can also help you with employment .Future bosses can read your blogg and learn a lot about you and your abilities and interests. I guess this saves them time on the interview process… You got it all laid out in front of them…

Come on…Be a blogger… I dare ya!