Monday, October 20, 2008

Adsense Troubles (The Blues)

On my most popular opinion blog I use adsense to try and make a little extra cash to run these expensive sites... Pretty soon I won't be able to afford that server and will do all of my bloggging on free services like this one.

I wrote a short post about DUI awhile back on the Hip Opinion
. Now, ever sense I posted that article ALL of my ad's seem to be DUI lawyers and drunk driving schools and stuff... This is driving me crazy... How could that one post effect all the ad's that are displayed... The article isn't even on the front page anymore... It's an archive.

I have used googles adsence competitive add feature to try and stop it... The "reletive" content  feature for google ad's isn't as smart as I once thought... It's so strange how those silly DUI ad's monopolized the entire blog.

Of course I'd rather not have ALL "christian" ad's over at my christian opinion blog either. I tried to fight that with googles back end too but the ones I blocked were simply replaced by other "christian" ad's... How about some ad's for stuff I actually like... You know...Wendy's Mcdonalds, diet coke, Capt Crunch...All the good things in life.... Go figure.


Anonymous said...


In the past when I've done sites that requires/desire ad revenue, I've found that targeted banner ad promotions like ( I've been in the Netflix promotion for years) or affiliate programs like amazon's are a good fit since you can target sales/promotions more to your audience. I hate programs like adsense because it's ALWAYS possible that you could be promoting your competition - while this isn't as critical in the blog space - it sure is in the eCommerce field!