Wednesday, October 01, 2008

How to make Money Blogging?

You know the old saying... Never give up... I'm not one to follow this advice... I like to give up...But I'm gonna keep on this train of blogging. I have 3 blogs going that I post to daily...

It seems that the big players at making money blogging is the blogs that teach how to make money blogging... I just discovered that tonight. Go figure..

At any rate I am doing most of the tips that I have read about at sites like and One Cool Site. There are thousands of them and many give the same tips over and over... Geeze...  Now I know people would rather read my crap than the same tips over and over right?


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that you are persistent. I really do believe that if one builds a better blog and is applying all the basics that their blog will develop a faithful readership that continues to grow. Regardless of what type of passive monetization choices or combination of monetization schemes one uses on their blog the bottom line is that getting any payment is dependent on "the numbers game". And without quality contents one will not be able draw in the numbers required.

Thanks so much for linking to my blog. I do appreciate it. Best wishes for profitable blogging.